Student Information
The Academy of Locksmithing was founded in 1987 to offer a formal training program to those wanting to be professional locksmith. The Academy of Locksmithing offers basic classes for those entering the locksmithing field. We also offer courses covering electronic technologies that are playing a larger role in the security industry. The Academy of Locksmithing program has 17 courses covering all aspects of the locksmithing profession.
The duration of the program is approximately 1 year. The Basic Locksmithing course is limited to 24 and 18 students respectively. All other classes are limited to 16 students. Basic Locksmithing is repeated 4 times per year, all other courses are offered once or twice per year; if the student misses one specific course s/he will be able to make up that course the next time the course is available.

Please see our program schedule to understand how the courses are offered.
All courses are part time (short term courses); instructor led all the way through with lectures and supervised practical lessons from the very beginning to the end of the program.
The students begin with the pre-requisite - Basic Locksmithing. After completion the student is then allowed to take the other courses. Students are also allowed to pay for the courses individually.